Akfgfragments is recruiting
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akfgfragments | Escrito no ano do dia no 16: 38: 53 |
| Akfgfragments.com is recruiting fans from all over the world, no matter where you are coming from, we are looking for various profiles to manage the website. If you are interested in joining the team and give some of your free time for the community, check out our needs. Website translationTo provide you information in your native language, we have to first translate the website. As you can see, we are looking for German, Italian, Japanese and any other translators. Website articlesHaving the site translated in your own language is cool but not enough, we are looking for editors that can freely write whatever they want about Asian Kung-Fu Generation or any band in their native language. Website contentIf you are interested in adding more content to the site, such as new bands, lyrics, discography information, we can give you the rights to add anything you want related to your favourite band. We are mainly looking for fans of these bands:
To be more precise, your task will be to add band's information such as band members names, birthdate, description, band's description, band's discography, band's lyric, band's PVs etc. You will be in charge of your favourite band and will do your best to share your passion and promote it with others. Website forumWe are looking for moderators, yes, just moderators for the forum, that's all. How to applyIf you wish to join the team or just help us a little, use the "contact us" form below the article. Thank you for your support and I hope to see new users joining the crew. |
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