Kaigan Doori - 海岸通り

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  • Japonais
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Fleckiges Purpur in der untergehenden Sonne bringt verblasste Erinnerungen zurück
Der vergehende Moment von Ewigkeit rief heute, ich werde ihn hier festhalten

Von den Hügeln hinunterschauend, das blaue Meer, Frühling von Nebel umhüllt
Zwischen den Reihen von Kirschblüten, du lachst inmitten der Blütenblätter

Das nicht haben, dies nicht haben
Gier, der jeden Wunsch zu erfüllen versucht
Wie um uns geschickt von den Dingen abzulenken, die uns Fehlen
Die Windstille des Abends endet langsam und der Wind weht sanft
Für den Frühling, um am Ufer entlang zu tanzen

Dinge, die wir vermissen und Dinge, die herausragen
Sie machen mir keine Angst
Wo auch immer ich bin, ich bete dafür

Das nicht haben, dies nicht haben
Gier, der jeden Wunsch zu erfüllen versucht
Wie um uns geschickt von den Dingen abzulenken, die uns Fehlen
Die Windstille des Abends endet langsam und der Wind weht sanft
Für den Frühling, um am Ufer entlang zu tanzen


Stained crimson by the setting sun, bringing back faded memories
The passing moment of eternity called today, I'll engrave it here

Looking down from the hilltops, the blue seas, spring shrouded in mist
Between the rows of cherry blossoms, you laugh amongst the petals

Don't have this, don't have that
Greed that seeks to grant every wish
As if to subtly distract us from the things we lack
The evening calm draws to a close and the wind gently sways
For spring to dance along the waterfront

Things that we miss, and things that stick out
They don't scare me
Wherever I am, I pray for this

Don't have this, don't have that
Greed that seeks to grant every wish
As if to subtly distract us from the things we lack
The evening calm draws to a close and the wind gently sways
For spring to dance along the waterfront




Mis recuerdos vienen y van, el sol del ocaso tiñendo de rojo
Sólo la permanencia de este momento llamado Ahora es cincelado en este lugar

Si miro hacia el mar azúl, desde la colina, la primavera se vuelve brumosa
Y tú ríes con los pétalos de los árboles de sakura que están en la orilla de calle

No tengo eso, tampoco esto
La codicia que quiere hacer que cada deseo se haga realidad
Sólo consigue esas cosas que no nos bastan
Oscilando suavemente en el viento al final de la calma de la tarde
La primavera gira en la calle frente al mar

No tengo miedo
De pasar entre sí o descubrir cosas
No importa donde estoy, deseo esto

No tengo eso, tampoco esto
La codicia que quiere hacer que cada deseo se haga realidad
Sólo consigue esas cosas que no nos bastan
Oscilando suavemente en el viento al final de la calma de la tarde
La primavera gira en la calle frente al mar




夕陽で朱に染まる 寄せては返す記憶

丘から見下るせば 青い海 春が霞む

あれがない これもない


あれがない これもない



  • Rōmaji
  • Japonais
  • Anglais

Kaigan Doori

夕陽で朱に染まる 寄せては返す記憶

丘から見下るせば 青い海 春が霞む

あれがない これもない


あれがない これもない

Kaigan Doori

Yuuhi de shu ni somaruyose te ha kaesu kioku
Kyou toiu tsukanoma no eien dake koko ni kizamu

Oka kara mikudaruse ba aoi umi haru ga kasumu
Sakura no namiki de ha hanabira to kimi ga warau

Are ga nai kore mo nai
Donna kibou mo kanae tai yokubari
Sonna bokura no tari nai mono dake sotto tsutsumu you ni
Yuunagi no saigo ni ha yasashiku yuragu kaze
Kaigan doori ni haru ga mau

Surechigau koto mo hamidasu koto mo
Osore te i nai yo
Doko ni i te mo tada negatte iru

Are ga nai kore mo nai
Donna kibou mo kanae tai yokubari
Sonna bokura no tari nai mono dake sotto tsutsumu you ni
Yuunagi no saigo ni ha yasashiku yuragu kaze
Kaigan doori ni haru ga mau

Kaigan Doori

Stained crimson by the setting sun, bringing back faded memories
The passing moment of eternity called today, I'll engrave it here

Looking down from the hilltops, the blue seas, spring shrouded in mist
Between the rows of cherry blossoms, you laugh amongst the petals

Don't have this, don't have that
Greed that seeks to grant every wish
As if to subtly distract us from the things we lack
The evening calm draws to a close and the wind gently sways
For spring to dance along the waterfront

Things that we miss, and things that stick out
They don't scare me
Wherever I am, I pray for this

Don't have this, don't have that
Greed that seeks to grant every wish
As if to subtly distract us from the things we lack
The evening calm draws to a close and the wind gently sways
For spring to dance along the waterfront
